Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Well, it's no Kwanzaa Cake

It's that time of year again and you employed white collar people know what time I am talking about:  Office Potluck Party Season.  Tis the season to be awkwardly forced together with food.  I have such an event tomorrow and couldn't decide what to make for it.  I decided early on that I wouldn't be going "all out".  Yes, I love to bake, but the office potluck isn't worth the hassle, especially during this time of year.  There's often too much food, people are on diets or saving their calories for out of office parties, and food is thrown away or left in the hallway for random employees to graze on.  Things like quality chocolate, cream, real white chocolate, and even butter are costly.  I refuse to waste my time & money on something that only a few people might appreciate.

In the spirit of being cranky, stressed out, and not wanting to waste time & money I decided I would bring a mediocre potluck dessert to the event.  My exact wording on the signup sheet:  "A dessert item consisting of fat & sugar that you probably shouldn't eat".  I didn't commit to anything specific because I didn't want to put a lot of thought into it or care about it.

Today as I was thinking up a quick & cheap dessert item I was reminded of Sandra Lee and the awesomely terrible Kwanzaa [train-wreck] Cake.  Don't know what I am talking about?  You *must* watch the video which shows the looney Sandra using a store bought cake, a can of chocolate frosting, cinnamon, popcorn, corn nuts, apple pie filling, and some hideous "hey the power just went out" assortment of giant Kwanzaa theme colored candles.  The cake has been hailed as offensive and racist. There's a hilarious story full of scandals and confessions that explains this cake and some other Sandra "creations".  As I thought of this cake I desperately wanted to use her recipe for the potluck dessert.  If I had the time and motivation to track down the ugly candles at a Wal-Mart and spend money on all of the other ingredients I would have made it.  I'll keep it in the back of my mind for next year... It would be freaking hilarious [other hilarious, but tastier idea:  Schweddy Balls).

I ended up making a plain chocolate Bundt style cake (in honor of the Kwanzaa Cake), with peppermint frosting (consisting of shortening & sugar) and some mint and chocolate chips thrown onto it.  Voila! Quick, easy, and mediocre!

Side view.

Bottom half/Middle layer of filling.

Some extra peppermint flavored fat & sugar on top.
Yes, it is indeed a dessert item consisting of fat & sugar that you probably shouldn't eat and I don't care if you do or don't eat it. Cheers to a cheap thrown together cake! (I'll drink to that).


  1. Wow, your "cheap thrown together" cake still looks amazing and delicious!

  2. Ha! Thanks :) I was told that it tasted good & I was kind of disappointed... it was supposed to be cheap/mediocre ;)
